品薄酒萊新酒 置身法國零時差
French Wine Tasting in the TKU Garden

攝影/林俊廷 No.984


24日法文系在覺軒花園舉辦「薄酒萊新酒猜謎活動」,近百位師生共同品嘗薄酒萊新酒。( 攝影/林俊廷)
On Nov. 24 a French wine tasting was held in the Chueh-hsuan Chinese Garden with nearly 100 participants. (Photographed by Jun-ting Lin)

  • 寬度: 5469 px
  • 高度: 3646 px
  • 大小: 15.68 MB
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  • 分類:淡水校園 / 學生