FIRA世足賽 本校機器人續抱雙冠
TKU Robotic Team Steals Victory for 10th Straight Year

電機系 No.973


The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering won the FIRA Roboworld World Cup that took place on August 8th. This is the 10th consecutive year winning the Medium-sized Robots Division, taking 3 gold medals and 1 silver. (Picture provided by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

  • 寬度: 3972 px
  • 高度: 3264 px
  • 大小: 11.55 MB
  • 瀏覽: 827 次
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  • 分類:得獎

FIRA世足賽 本校機器人續抱雙冠

電機系 W(3266) H(2450) No.973