校務會議 張校長頒5系獎勵系所發展
73rd University Affairs Committee Meeting

朱樂然 No.969


On May 5th TKU held the 73rd University Affairs meeting and revealed winners of the Third Annual Department Development Award: Department of Civil Engineering, the Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Banking and Finance and the Department of Statistics. (Photographed by Le-ran Zhu)

  • 寬度: 5184 px
  • 高度: 3456 px
  • 大小: 18.14 MB
  • 瀏覽: 793 次
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  • 申請: 3 次
  • 分類:淡水校園 / 學生 / 教學 / 行政 / 得獎 / 教職員工

校務會議 張校長頒5系獎勵系所發展

林薏婷提供 W(5184) H(3456) No.969

校務會議 張校長頒5系獎勵系所發展

朱樂然 W(5184) H(3456) No.969