本校師生訪海外 教學觀摩
TKU Teachers and Students Travel Overseas for Various Academic Events

國際學院提供 No.961


本校師生訪海外 教學觀摩
Dean of the College of International Studies, Kao-cheng Wang (first row, fourth on the left), Director of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Ming-hsien Wong (first on the right), and Director of the Asian Association Research Center, Juo-yu Lin, travelled to Jakarta, Indonesia for an academic exchange. (Picture provided by the College of International Studies)

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  • 分類:淡水校園 / 教職員工 / 學生 / 教學 / 行政

本校師生訪海外 教學觀摩

國際學院提供 W(1280) H(724) No.961

本校師生訪海外 教學觀摩

蘭陽校園提供 W(1280) H(960) No.961

本校師生訪海外 教學觀摩

蘭陽校園主任室提供 W(4609) H(3457) No.961