國際生態會議 12國學者來校論述
6th Tamkang International Conference on Ecological Discourse Takes Place

姜智越 No.952


英文系於19、20日舉辦「第六屆國際生態論述會議」,19日開幕典禮中,由張校長歡迎12國學者來校,希望藉由本會探討生態論述新思維、方向和未來。 (攝影/姜智越)
The English Department Holds the 6th Tamkang International Conference on Ecological Discourse on December 19th and 20th in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. President Chia-I Chang welcomes the 12 educators from various countries in hopes of more cooperation in the future. (Photographed by Zhi-yue Jiang)

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  • 分類:教職員工 / 行政 / 學生 / 教學 / 演講 / 來訪 / 淡水校園

國際生態會議 12國學者來校論述

王政文 W(5184) H(3456) No.952