Thanksgiving Day美洲所 英文系感恩滿滿
Thanksgiving Celebration at TKU

姬雅瑄 No.949


The President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai (6th in the first row, Director of the Graduate Institute of the Americas,Hsiao-chuan Chen (5th in the first row) and all of the students gather for Thanksgiving. (Photographed by Ya-xun Ji)

  • 寬度: 5184 px
  • 高度: 3456 px
  • 大小: 17.04 MB
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  • 分類:教職員工 / 學生 / 淡水校園

Thanksgiving Day美洲所 英文系感恩滿滿

姜智越 W(5184) H(3456) No.949