新舊主管交接 張家宜掌第11任校長
Transition of Power Ceremony Takes Place

吳重毅 No.937


Former Vice President of Academic Affairs (Professor of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering) Gwo Hsing Yu (left) hands his responsibilities to the new President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh (right) as President Flora Chia-I Chang acts witness. (Photographed by Zhong-yi Wu)

  • 寬度: 5184 px
  • 高度: 3456 px
  • 大小: 16.67 MB
  • 瀏覽: 987 次
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  • 分類:行政 / 淡水校園 / 教職員工 / 教學

新舊主管交接 張家宜掌第11任校長

吳重毅 W(5184) H(3456) No.937