念慈獲五虎崗文學獎雙冠王 藝氣風發玩行動詩
Works of Art Revolution Taipei Displayed At Black Swan Exhibition Hall

余浩鉻 No.931


The Department of Chinese held the Art Revolution Taipei exhibition in the Black Swan Exhibition Hall. Well known artist made their appearance to explain action poems. (Picture taken by Hao-ge Xu)

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  • 高度: 3456 px
  • 大小: 16.33 MB
  • 瀏覽: 733 次
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  • 分類:教學 / 淡水校園 / 文館

念慈獲五虎崗文學獎雙冠王 藝氣風發玩行動詩

王政文 W(5184) H(3456) No.931