蘭陽走訪社福 普門醫院傳愛
Lanyang Campus Pays a Visit to Pumen Hopsital in Yilan

蘭陽校園 No.918


Drillmaster Ming-chuan Huang leads Lanyang students to Pumen Hospital for an activity to care for the elderly. During the event, they chatted and enjoyed each other’s company. (picture provided by Lanyang Campus)

  • 寬度: 4928 px
  • 高度: 3264 px
  • 大小: 16.76 MB
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  • 分類:教職員工 / 表演 / 蘭陽校園 / 學生

蘭陽走訪社福 普門醫院傳愛

蘭陽校園 W(4928) H(3264) No.918