聽見母校的呼喚 全球500校友歡聚交流
500 Alumni Voices Celebrate On Homecoming Day

林俊耀 No.911


Professor of the Japanese Literature Department, Uno Masao, Receives “Life-time Contribution Award”. Alumni gather in admiration. (Photo Taken By Jiunn-Yaw Lin)

  • 寬度: 6016 px
  • 高度: 4016 px
  • 大小: 20.59 MB
  • 瀏覽: 795 次
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  • 分類:教職員工 / 校友 / 淡水校園

聽見母校的呼喚 全球500校友歡聚交流

林俊耀 W(5682) H(3794) No.911