企業環保獎三度衛冕 榮譽獎座入本校
TKU Has the Honor of Receiving the EPA Award For the Third Time

總務處、鄧翔 No.906


This is TKU’s third year in a row of having the honor of receiving the EPA Award officially taking place on November 6th. Dean of the Office of General Affairs, Shiaw-Shyan Luo (First on the Left) meets with review board. (Photo taken by Deng Xiang)

  • 寬度: 941 px
  • 高度: 819 px
  • 大小: 991.25 KB
  • 瀏覽: 955 次
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  • 申請: 3 次
  • 分類:來訪 / 淡水校園

企業環保獎三度衛冕 榮譽獎座入本校

總務處 W(4928) H(6969) No.906

企業環保獎三度衛冕 榮譽獎座入本校

W(4928) H(6969) No.906

企業環保獎三度衛冕 榮譽獎座入本校

鄧翔 W(4416) H(2944) No.906

企業環保獎三度衛冕 榮譽獎座入本校

總務處 W(550) H(621) No.906