葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校
President Keh Visits Southwest University, and Both Parties Establish Partner University Link


葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校
President Keh Visits Southwest University, and Both Parties Establish Partner University Link



President Huan-Chao Keh (4th from the left) and his delegation visited SWU in Chongqing and signed academic exchange and student exchange agreements with SWU President Zhang Weiguo (5th from the left), officially establishing a sister university relationship between the 2 institutions.

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  • 分類:教職員工 / 行政

葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校

W(1479) H(1109) No.1172

葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校

W(1479) H(1109) No.1172

葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校

W(1614) H(1016) No.1172

葛校長訪西南大學 雙方締結姊妹校

W(1614) H(1016) No.1172