教科微軟合作 創意教師競賽頒獎
The Microsoft PiL Innovative Teachers Competition

圖/教科系提供 No.888


The TKU Department of Educational Technology recently joined up with Microsoft to organize the 2013 Microsoft Partners in Learning (PiL) Innovative Teachers Competition. During the competition, several teachers from the TKU department served as guest judges, while the Dean of the TKU College of Education, Dr. Tian-fu Chang (fourth from right), presented awards to winning entrants at the event Award Ceremony, held on March 12 at the NTU Hospital International Conference Center.

  • 寬度: 3216 px
  • 高度: 2136 px
  • 大小: 5.68 MB
  • 瀏覽: 1212 次
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  • 分類:教學 / 教職員工 / 得獎